Kamari Bright

is a videopoet and multidisciplinary artist based in Seattle.

With the goal of creating something that starts the process of healing for herself and others, Kamari Bright is a poet/videopoet/multimedia creative heavily inspired by human psychology and her own growth and healing journey. The award-winning artist leans into the interplay of imagery and language, fortifying one with the other to reflect the facets of communication. Her videopoems have been internationally received at Seattle Art Museum, the International Poetry Film Festival of Thuringia, the Academy Award-qualifying HollyShorts Film Festival, and many others avenues; while their poetry has been featured in TriQuarterly,  Moss, Bellwether Arts Week, and more. The 2023 Bainbridge Island Museum of Art BRAVA Emerging Artist is currently working on a videopoem extrapolating collective trauma and its connection to land stewardship and a manuscript connecting the influence of Christian folklore on present-day misogyny.


Carmel Mercado


Aaron Asis